Author: mjstrand

  • Why Digital Signage

    In this current economy, every sale counts. Prospecting is tough, and everyone knows that cross-selling is more efficient than prospecting. For any business the challenge becomes: “How do I sell more of my products and services to my current customers?” One of the answers is to add new technologies that leverage current customers, staff and…

  • Can you write my business plan?

    I was asked by someone who believes “in not reinventing the wheel if someone has already done so”. I normally agree with this statement too, Except in the case of business plans. I know from experience that business plans take huge amounts of time, and they must be written by the owner and not contracted…

  • Tips on becoming a programmer

    One thing that I have noticed is that it takes a unique person to be a programmer. One of the biggest challenges is that programmers need to be able to self reward on simple things. Most people have no clue what programmers do, so the recognition from anyone are few and far between. Just something…

  • How long to hold investments

    I have a wonderful uncle Bob that I decided to ask questions of. He is retired and has a wealth of knowledge. He has a background in lots of things, and one of them was antiques. Being a pack rat myself and enjoying antiques, I asked him for his thoughts on antiques. This is an…

  • Wind Turbine Info

    I have been interested in wind turbines for a long time. This is simply a place where I can put my thoughts on them. If anyone has information on these, please feel free to post replies.

  • Do you wish you had a crystal ball?

    I always wished that I had a crystal ball, but I’m glad I didnt. When I first started StrandWare, i often wished for a vision of the future. After about 5 years into the company, I realized that I was so blessed that I didnt have one. Had I been able to “see” the success…

  • Never underestimate what you can do

    I have the habit of underestimating my abilities and also underestimating the value of the things that I do for others. I recently have been in a very sticky situation with a group of angel investors who want to invest in a business that I’m running. Two years ago, a friend of mine gave me…

  • Is volunteering ever bad?

    I had a request by my wife yesterday to help a friend’s parents out with a handicap accessible ramp for their house. I had just enjoyed the morning being at the department of motor vehicles to see if my daughter passed her driver’s test (she did – Yeah!). I knew that if I did this,…

  • My views on competitors

    My view on competitors is kind of weird. A competitor is anyone who works against you. As for people working against you, that is great! That means you are in a market that is interesting to other people. Whenever I identify a new competitor, I take a moment to relish the thought that someone is…

  • Tips for Presentations

    After rushing through creating a brand new 40 slide presentation in one day and driving 3 hours to present it on someone else’s equipment, I learned a couple things from the experience. First, if you have video clips in there, be prepared to test it, and after you test it, shut down the powerpoint program…